Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Someday, I'll reside seaside.

Something about the ocean is so alluring. Anyone who's every been to any coastal town {notice usage of word "coastal" not "beach"--we live in Oregon...not Cali} can identify that calm aura that seems to settle in along with the sea's mist. Hustling and bustling fail to disturb this signature tranquility of the Oregon coast. I've always thought that at some point in my life, it'd be nice to call a beach or coast home--even if it's not until retirement {yes, I'm thinking that far ahead}.

 Memorial day weekend getaway to Newport with some good ol' friends.
I'd say we came home with some priceless memories.

jetty~rooftops~clamming~taffy~cranky neighbors~spaghetti~"yolo"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Someday, I'll take notes.

But I guess I'm a just a doodler at heart! You can thank the monotone nature of professors and the luxury of having lecture notes posted on blackboard for these random little scribbles...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Someday, I'll get contacts.

And hallelujah they're in the mail!

It's getting bad.

As I type this I am awkwardly keeping to myself as I just flamboyantly waved at a girl who entered the room because I thought she was an acquaintance. Needless to say, she looked at me in utter confusion--as she should have--I do NOT know her {as I discovered a little too late}.

Sadly, this occurrence is not one of unique nature--it has started to occur daily. That's just too much embarrassment for one girl to take. The worst occasion yet was when I actually greeted someone by their dopple-ganger's name. Awkward. Really though, how are you supposed to respond to that?

Next time you pass me on the street {whether or not you REALLY know me} & if you even remotely resemble someone I know, chances are you will get a friendly greeting from yours truly.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Someday, they'll call me Aaron Lee Ralston.

But probably not.

I did get rock wall certified though - it was on the U of O "Duck-it List." 
Rock on! {I crack myself up.}

Just some highly extensive notes I took on standard
rock climbing procedures. So studious, I know.

That's right, I am now deemed sufficiently knowledgeable in the art of climbing to use the University of Oregon recreational center rock wall. And I make a pretty mean figure-eight knot. Just saying.

So you just wait. In a few weeks, this will be me...minus the falling bit.
P.S. - See this movie! {127 Hours} Pretty epic. AND it stars James Franco. What's not to like ;)...