Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Someday, I'll find my Jack Dawson...

...but he won't end up at the bottom of the Atlantic. I'll make sure I share the floating door. {Why so selfish, Kate Winselt? Like, really?!}

I know I already posted on the return of Titanic to the big screen but that was BEFORE I actually experienced it. The event of going to see the film in theaters deserved its very own, exclusive post. So here it goes...

Saturday. A beautiful, Spring Saturday. The anticipation that flooded my very veins was unspeakably overwhelming...{and yes, Bonich & Jess, of course I'm referring to how excited I was to reunite with your two lovely faces!} Okay, so of course some of my excitement was rooted in the fact that I would soon be immersed in the classic yet tragic love story of Jack and Rose. But first, some much needed catch up time with some ol' friends over a traditional Macaroni Grill create-your-own-pasta dish. {Yum.} The lovely Bonich Meister accompanied me after dinner to experience the resurrection of James Cameron's masterpiece. The experience was no less than epic. The old lady next to us {who was probably dehydrated by the end of the movie because she was balling her eyes out the whole time}, looking around seeing those ugly, boxy glasses on every viewer {seriously, who freaking designed these atrocities?!}, and of course the epic film itself all made for a nothing-less-than-perfect cinematic experience.

Favorite part of the movie? Well, the "I'm flying, Jack!"scene never fails to deliver goosebumps. However, the part that really gets me is when Rose is sitting in the descending lifeboat, staring longingly into Jack's eyes  while he is restrained on the {SPOILER ALERT} sinking ship. After some dramatic music and some drawn-out exchange of hopeless expressions, Rose's combination of love and grief overwhelms her causing her to leap back onto the doomed Titanic into Jack's embrace. True love at its finest? Yep. Too bad it's short lived. Which brings us back to my biggest issue with the film: why couldn't she share the flipping door?

Would I go again? Pssshhhh...please. Need you ask?
Any takers?

Oh, & be sure to check out this Ellen spoof. That woman is hilarious
Courtesy of Bonich Meister
"Are you doing yours in 3D?"

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