Thursday, July 12, 2012

Someday, I'll be graceful {part 3}.

First of all, the prodigal blogger returns! Summer hasn't exactly made me lazy, it's just changed my priorities I guess. Dog sitting, nannying, starting a new job, and breathing have kind of trumped blogging but I'm determined to get back at it...

In other news...yes, I have the ability to compose a third post on the subject of the clumsy accounts of Brittany Alexandra Hallin. This one's a doozy. It all started with an unfortunate spillage of au jus back in the kitchen of my workplace where I waitress. Upon getting slammed with more tables than my rookie, unexperienced waitress abilities could handle, fate graced me with an unfortunate step in this greasy puddle.

Well one thing led to another and before I knew it I was bum down and feet up with broken glass in my leg and a bruise on my tailbone. I am not sure what hurt pride or my back. Well now, I'd say it's my back.

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