Mom's about to break!!...Says the little brother at least...{And Mom, if you're reading this, I hope you see how the prospect of owning a dog overwhelms me with abounding jubilance.} My brother and I have always longed for one of those big, fluffy, loyal friends. The parental units have always seemed a bit opposed to this idea. However, it seems that nowadays, they just MIGHT be warming up to the thought of making a new addition to the Hallin clan--a recent chat with the bro confirmed this.
Apparently, if the Hallins are to adopt a dog, Momma Hallin has two "conditions":
1. It must be named Diego.
{Ok, not what I would pick...but sure. Whatever. I mean I would pick something cute like Benji or Charlie. But whatever. She jokes she liked this name originally for my brother so I think I'm glad it's going to the prospective dog instead.}
2. It must be a BIG dog.
{I think we're all in agreement here.}
My top three dream dogs would be:
Golden Retriever
Bernese Mountain Dog
So I'm still not getting my hopes up, but it sounds like this is the closest my parents have ever been to wanting a puppy to call our own. Wish me luck on my canine quest! {And DO feel free to lend me any tips in the art of persuasion.}
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Someday, I'll spend my meal points wisely.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Someday, I'll dress sensibly.
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Normally, Natalie has at least a good 4 inches on me. |
Ouch. The sacrifices I make to have a better view of this talented man {okay, and maybe because I like dressing up}... but my feet are THROBBING. Wearing platform stiletto heals may be why I want to amputate my own two feet right now, however they made me TOWER over the audience giving me quite an unobscured view. I'd say overall, it was a good choice.
Some lovely pictures Natalie captured. Sadly, I neglected to bring my camera...
A man of many talents. |
I think I almost died when he came down into the crowd and serenaded individuals in the audience. I was an arm's-lenghth away at one point and was so overwhelmed that if it weren't for the solid, compact mass of people in the audience holding me up, my legs would have given out. Okay, so that's a bit dramatic, but it would be an understatement to simply say I was star-struck.
Jus some of my favorite Mat Kearney songs:
Ships in the Night
She Got The Honey
Fire and Rain
Young Dumb and In Love
an oh so many more....
{I want to go back!}
les photos,
the bestie,
truly epic,
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Someday, I won't be such a freeloader.
When you're on a college budget, you begin to find that anything proceeding the word "free" seems quite appealing. Not only that, but getting the coveted "you've got a package!" email from the dorm front desk is something I basically live for. Soooo... some girls on my floor and I spent quite a few hours one evening perusing the web applying for ANYTHING & EVERYTHING we could snag a free sample of. Hey, when you know you're going to have a certain address for only one year, you'd be surprised how non-hesitant you are to give out your mailing information.
These are just a few of the free goodies I've acquired. :) And more to come...
PLUS a coupon book!!!! Score! |
Yep, all of these beauties FOR FREE. {& so much more to come!}
Other things that I am expecting/have gotten...
-(more) Perfume samples
-Dryer sheets
-Shout color catcher
-Emergen-C drink mix
-Crystal Light drink mix
-Dove hair product
Monday, February 13, 2012
Someday, we'll defrost our freezer...
It's back.
Yeah... so one knife, a hair dryer, and some good ol' manual labor later, the glacier was no more. But hey, guess what?! It's back. :-| When will we learn that it's a good idea to defrost our freezer on a regular basis rather than wait until the ice trays and other freezer contents are frozen solid adhering them to the walls of the freezer? Ehhhh probably never.
{I did use the chiseled away ice scraps to sooth my shin splints. Yeah, call me Ms. Resourceful.}
The glacier. |
{I did use the chiseled away ice scraps to sooth my shin splints. Yeah, call me Ms. Resourceful.}
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Someday, it won't be about the chocolate.
Happy {EARLY} Valentine's Day!
We have midterms to study for this week so we are recognizing this "holiday" early...
Thanks to a lovely care package, courtesy of Momma Hallin, Natalie and I peeled ourselves away from a rigorous afternoon of studying to indulge in some Valentine's Day cookie decorating - we are now experiencing the full-blown effects of a sugar high.
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Note the lovely decor - contributions of both the Hallin & Baxter clans. |
Natalie and I were feeling a little melancholy watching the dramatic Valentine's Day episode of Grey's Anatomy this week. As we watched characters devour a surplus of chocolates, Natalie and I couldn't help ourselves... We paused Grey's, grabbed our wallets and ran down the street to Hiron's to purchase our own box of chocolates. As pathetic as we felt standing in line with two big boxes of candy {yes, we each got our own} for ourselves and not a significant other, it was well worth it to finish the episode indulging in our very own version of this Valentine's Day cliche.
Without Valentines to celebrate with {Nat's significant other is in Corvallis}, we are still taking part in the holiday's festivities. :)
les photos,
the bestie
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Someday, I'll read the book before I see the movie.
This is a RARE occurrence...I like to read and all but I'm not exactly a bookworm. {I call myself a Harry Potter fan however I feel like a poser considering my fan-ship is entirely a result of seeing the movies. Yeah...embarrassing.} Well not this time! I jumped on the bandwagon and read Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games. In THREE days. I'm not a fast reader so naturally, I feel accomplished. However the props go to Collins for composing such a dynamic story that fuses action, romance, sic-fi, and adventure in a manner so dynamic I was consumed with the book for hours at a time. And for once, I will have read the book BEFORE seeing the movie...
Couldn't put it down. |
Can't wait to see the film!
March 23, 2012
take me to the movies,
truly epic
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