Mom's about to break!!...Says the little brother at least...{And Mom, if you're reading this, I hope you see how the prospect of owning a dog overwhelms me with abounding jubilance.} My brother and I have always longed for one of those big, fluffy, loyal friends. The parental units have always seemed a bit opposed to this idea. However, it seems that nowadays, they just MIGHT be warming up to the thought of making a new addition to the Hallin clan--a recent chat with the bro confirmed this.
Apparently, if the Hallins are to adopt a dog, Momma Hallin has two "conditions":
1. It must be named Diego.
{Ok, not what I would pick...but sure. Whatever. I mean I would pick something cute like Benji or Charlie. But whatever. She jokes she liked this name originally for my brother so I think I'm glad it's going to the prospective dog instead.}
2. It must be a BIG dog.
{I think we're all in agreement here.}
My top three dream dogs would be:
Golden Retriever
Bernese Mountain Dog
So I'm still not getting my hopes up, but it sounds like this is the closest my parents have ever been to wanting a puppy to call our own. Wish me luck on my canine quest! {And DO feel free to lend me any tips in the art of persuasion.}
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