Sunday, February 5, 2012

Someday, I'll read the book before I see the movie.


Couldn't put it down.
This is a RARE occurrence...I like to read and all but I'm not exactly a bookworm. {I call myself a Harry Potter fan however I feel like a poser considering my fan-ship is entirely a result of seeing the movies. Yeah...embarrassing.} Well not this time! I jumped on the bandwagon and read Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games. In THREE days. I'm not a fast reader so naturally, I feel accomplished. However the props go to Collins for composing such a dynamic story that fuses action, romance, sic-fi, and adventure in a manner so dynamic I was consumed with the book for hours at a time. And for once, I will have read the book BEFORE seeing the movie...

Can't wait to see the film!  
March 23, 2012


  1. Gahhhh, I just finished when we had our hipster day!! I am glad you joined in. Did you read the second and third one yet?

  2. No, not yet. I need to get my hands on the second book! But I can't wait!!!! :)
